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How To Make Chicken (ayam) Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia

this is materials Make Chicken Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia

 How To Make Chicken (ayam) Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia

The materials required to make the Chicken Sambal Setan Geprek
materials Make Chicken Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia
 materials Make Chicken Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia
* 2 chicken breast
* 1 piece of lime
* 1 oz plain flour/spice instant flour
* Pepper to taste
* Coriander to taste
* Salt to taste

Spice Paste
* 1 segment finger of ginger
* 3 garlic cloves
* turmeric segment 1
* 5 pieces of onion

Ingredients To Make Chili Sauce
* 5 pieces green pepper
* 2 cloves garlic
* 1/2 red tomatoes
* 1/2 packs of shrimp paste
* 30 pieces of chili Devil

The steps Make Chicken (ayam) Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia

How To Prepare The Ingredients ayam Geprek Sambal Setan
steps Make ayam Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia
steps Make ayam Geprek Sambal Setan original indonesia

1. Please take the chicken that you have set up. Then wash the chicken under running water until clean. Drain first.
2. After that, Peel the onion and garlic.
3. Clean the shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, red tomato, chilli and green chillies. Drain.
4. Puree the herbs finely as already mentioned above.

How To Process A Chicken

1. take the chicken that you have clean. Then prick-prick so that the marinade seep into the meat of the chicken.
2. After that, combine chicken with spice paste along with pepper, cilantro and salt to taste only.
3. Rub the chicken with the juice of the lime juice. Then you can mengaduknya.
4. If the chickens had mixed evenly with the seasoning, you can mendiamkannya for approximately  15 minutes in refrigerator.
5. Add flour, coriander, pepper and salt to taste only. Then stir until evenly distributed.
6. remove the chicken from the refrigerator and stir the chicken along with the flour so that the flour stick to the chicken evenly.
7. take a pan that will be used for frying chicken. Then pour the cooking oil to taste only into the skillet. Heat the cooking oil.
8. When cooking oil is already hot and explode-letup, please enter the chicken is coated with flour already. Fry chicken until done or changed color to golden yellow. If it has been cooked, lift and drain.

How To Make ayam Geprek original indonesia

1. prepare the pestle to be used to make a condiment.
2. then input the ingredients you have to prepare your sauce. Ulek coarse sauce ingredients.
3. After that, please siramkan the hot cooking oil to fry the chicken little of the former. Mix until evenly distributed.
4. take the fried chicken you have above and save on top of sauce. Then you can menggeprek until chicken destroyed and mengaduknya until evenly distributed.
5. you can taste the tastes, if less salt or sugar you can add them to taste.
6. Finally you can present it on a serving dish that is already prepared.

Chicken sambal setan geprek been completed. Eat a plate of rice with better warm delights.
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